Saturday, December 13, 2008
Car seat and dryer
Crazy kids
It's been awhile
Friday, November 14, 2008
He is finally doing it
Okay, Stephane has been taking a couple of steps here and there for a couple of weeks now. After dinner tonight I thought we would try to get him to walk back and forth between Lee and I. It hasn't worked before but it was worth a try. Of course, he proved me wrong and did it over and over. He loved it and kept laughing and couldn't stop going back and forth. Here is a video that Lee took while it was going on.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
My little dancers
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
It's been awhile
Well, actually that isn't completely true. Sunday, Stephane took his first steps. It completely suprised us. We have been waiting for a long time ever since he started cruising almost 2 months ago. He really hasn't taken anymore than the three on Sunday. But before I know it he will be running around like crazy. Right now I just wish it would happen.
Marie-Eve said the funniest thing last night. We were sitting on the couch eating a snack and I asked her if she wanted anymore and she said, "No, I'm stuffed. Stuffed like a turkey." I couldn't believe it. All I could do was laugh. She is always coming up with something new to make me laugh.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Coming Clean!!!!
The rules are to grab your camera and take pictures of the following with NO CLEAN UP!!!
My house isn't in the best condition but just trying to catch up from a week of Stephane being sick and it is taking longer than I thought.
The Laundry Room: Just gathered clothes so it looks bad but my goal
The Refrigerator: Also just cleaned this out and went grocery shopping. If you would have seen this a couple of days ago you would have thought we were starving. LOL
Where the kids are: So Marie-Eve was watching cartoons and I couldn't get Stephane to hold still so I had to sit him next to her.
Favortie Pair of Shoes: Right now it is any pair of flip-flops I can grab since
usually that is all the time I have.
Dream Family Vacation: Anywhere we can be together. This is when Lee got his citizenship but as long as we are together it doesn't matter where we go.
Closet: Man this is scary.
Self Portrait: Broken glasses and all.
I TAG: Dorothy, Nina, Krista and Mandy....Don't forget you can't clean first.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
My kids being adorable
After I was done folding clothes he decided to climb into the basket. He loved it.
Marie-Eve loves to sit in this flower pot. I finally remembered to grab the camera when she did it this time. And she loved posing for the camera.
Rough day yesterday
So now she has had her first shiner. She is a trooper and hasn't complained at all.
Marie-Eve's new do
Been awhile
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Has it really been 7 months?
He found his reflection in the sliding door and has so much fun playing with himself.
And he pulls himself up and cruises (slowly) around. He has already stood all on his own several times and probably will be walking all on his own soon.
He is so handsome and is going to break alot of hearts in his future. I love him and he teaches me something new everyday.